Wicca Academy

Simple Spells for Beginners

Magick Spells Book

Welcome to our Simple Spells page! Here, you’ll find easy-to-perform spells designed to bring positivity and magick into your everyday life. Each spell uses common household items and requires minimal space, making them perfect for anyone, including those who need to practice in secret.

We are starting with just a few spells, but we will continue to add more over time. These spells focus on helping you connect with your intentions and the natural energies around you.

Explore our initial spells, and discover how simple actions can create meaningful changes. Remember, magick is all around us, and with just a little intention and practice, you can bring it into your life.

Simple Positivity Spell

What you need:

  • Just yourself and a quiet place.

What to do:

  1. Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Sit or lay comfortably, close your eyes, and let your hands rest in a comfortable position.
  3. Take three deep breaths—inhale slowly and exhale any tension.
  4. Focus on your intention to invite positivity.
  5. Visualize a bright, golden light surrounding you, warming and calming as it envelops you. This light represents positive energy filling your space.
  6. With each inhale, imagine this light becoming brighter, and with each exhale, imagine negative energy leaving your body.
  7. Repeat quietly or in your mind: “With each breath, I welcome light into my life.”
  8. Continue to breathe and feel the energy for as long as you’d like. Notice the sensations of warmth, peace, or calm that may arise.
  9. Once you feel fully immersed in this positive energy, take one final deep breath. As you exhale, imagine all of the golden light around you being drawn into your heart, securing the positivity within you.
  10. Open your eyes when you’re ready. Carry this positive energy throughout your day.

We encourage you to perform this spell whenever you need a lift in spirits. It’s a great way to start the day, and powerful way to remind yourself of the magick you possess!

Let us know how this spell works for you in the comments. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine and improve our offerings.

Simple Gratitude Spell

What you need:

  • A small stone (one you feel drawn to or any stone you have at home)
  • A marker or other utensil

What to do:

  1. Choose a small stone that you feel drawn to. It can be any stone you have around your home or one you find outside.
  2. Hold the stone in your hands and take a moment to focus on your intention to invite gratitude into your life.
  3. Say a simple invocation such as, “I call upon the energies of the Earth and the spirit of gratitude to bless this stone with their presence.
  4. Draw or scratch a symbol of gratitude on the stone. This could be a heart, a spiral, or simply the word “thanks.”
  5. Hold the stone in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize it glowing with a warm, golden light. Feel the energy of gratitude filling the stone.
  6. Say aloud or in your mind, “I am grateful for the blessings in my life. May this stone remind me of the abundance and positivity around me.”
  7. Thank the energies, spirits, and/or deities that you’ve invoked for their presence.
  8. Keep the stone in your pocket or place it somewhere you will see it often, like on your desk or bedside table. Each time you see or touch the stone, take a moment to feel gratitude for something in your life.

Carrying or seeing the stone will remind you of your intention and foster a sense of gratitude, helping you feel more positive and mindful. We encourage you to perform this spell whenever you need a boost of gratitude. It’s a great way to cultivate a positive mindset and remind yourself of the abundance around you!

Simple Release Knot Spell

What you need:

  • A piece of string or ribbon

What to do:

  1. Find a quiet space and hold the string. Visualize the issue or problem you are having.
  2. Allow yourself to feel the emotions related to the situation—anger, sadness, frustration, etc.
  3. Gently tie a knot in the string while focusing on the issue, trapping your negative emotions within it. Say:
    “I tie this knot to hold my plight,
    I tie it firm but not too tight,
    I bind this pain, this burdened thought,
    To be released, as I have sought.”
  4. Distance yourself from the knot. Go for a walk or spend time away to clear your mind.
  5. When you return, calmly untie the knot, symbolically releasing the problem and freeing yourself from its burden. Say:
    “As I untie, I set it free,
    This pain no longer belongs to me,
    Release it now, let it depart,
    Peace and calm fill my heart.”

This ritual helps you process and release negative emotions, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace. We encourage you to perform this spell whenever you need to let go of negative emotions. It’s a simple yet powerful way to achieve emotional release and find peace. To explore more spells like this, you can check out our article on knot magick.

Simple Tranquility Tea Spell

What you need:

  • Your favorite mug
  • Your favorite tea (e.g., chamomile, lavender)
  • Hot water

What to do:

  1. Choose a time and space where you can perform your spell in peace.
  2. As you prepare your tea, focus on your intention to bring calm and tranquility into your life.
  3. Stir the tea clockwise three times, saying:
    “Peaceful mind, calm and still,
    With this tea, I find my will.”
  4. Drink the tea slowly, visualizing tranquility filling your body.

This spell helps to soothe your mind and body, promoting relaxation. We encourage you to use it whenever you need to invite peace and calm into your life. It’s a simple and effective way to use tea magick to center yourself and find tranquility. It can be a great ritual to start or finish your day. To learn more about spells like this, you can check out our article on tea spells.

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Simple New Moon Spell

What you need:

  • Two small pieces of paper
  • A pen or pencil
  • Access to the ground or dirt

What to do:

  1. Find a quiet, peaceful place to begin.
  2. On the first piece of paper, write down something that you’d like to let go of during this moon cycle.
  3. On the second piece of paper, write down something that you’d like to cultivate during this moon cycle.
  4. Hold both pieces of paper against your heart, imbue them with your intentions.
  5. Say aloud, or in your mind:
    “Under the dark of the New Moon,
    I bury the old and plant the new,
    Seeds of intention, to blossom soon,
    Change and growth, I welcome you.”
  6. Lastly, bury both pieces of paper.

This spell can help you to move on from a bad habit or challenge you’re facing, and help you to achieve a goal or develop a good habit. Burying the paper symbolizes both letting go of the negative, and planting to seeds of the positive in order to grow.

Remember, just as seeds require time, care, and patience to sprout and flourish, so do your intentions. Trust in the process and take inspired action to support the manifestation of your goals. The New Moon marks the beginning of a cycle—a perfect time to release the old and make space for the new.

We encourage you to perform this spell during the New Moon to set your intentions for the month. It doesn’t necessarily have to be at night, the moon is still there during the day. If you miss the New Moon by a day or two, give it a try anyway! The worst thing that can happen is it doesn’t work. Then you just try again next month. If you want to explore more spells for specific moon phases, check out our article moon phases and simple rituals.

Simple Protection Spell

What you need:

  • Sachet*
  • Dried rosemary
  • Dried bay leaves

What to do:

  1. Place the herbs into the sachet
  2. Hold the sachet in your hands and focus your intention on protection. Visualize a protective light surrounding the sachet.
  3. Aloud or in your mind, recite the incantation
    “Herbs of strength, herbs of might, guard and shield me day and night.”
  4. Carry the sachet with you in your pocket, bag, or place it under your pillow for continuous protection.

*A sachet sounds fancy, but its just a small bag. If you don’t have one, you can use a piece of cloth, like an old t-shirt or handkerchief, cinched with a string or ribbon. You could even use a sandwich bag or zip-top bag. Resourcefulness is the witch’s greatest tool.

This simple spell taps into the natural protective properties of common herbs to create a personal shield against negative energy or harm. Rosemary and bay leaves have been used for centuries in folk magick to guard against evil and misfortune. Both are easy to find, either in the pantry or in stores. Over time, the herbs in your sachet will dry, crumble, and need replaced.

By focusing your mind and charging the sachet with your intention, you activate these herbs to work on your behalf. Use this spell anytime you feel anxious, unsafe, or in need of a spiritual boost. It’s especially helpful when traveling, starting a new job, or facing a challenging situation. You can also perform this ritual on behalf of a friend or loved one by gifting them the charged sachet.

Feel free to customize this spell to your needs and preferences. If you don’t have both herbs on hand, one will work just fine. You can also substitute or add other protective ingredients. The most important thing is that you imbue the sachet with your personal energy and belief.

With practice, you can expand on this foundation to create more elaborate or targeted protection spells. But, never underestimate the power of a simple ritual performed with focus.

Simple Grounding Technique

What you need:

  • Just yourself and a comfortable place

What to do:

  1. Find a quiet spot where you can sit or lie down comfortably.
  2. Close your eyes and take three deep, slow breaths.
  3. Imagine yourself growing roots deep into the earth.
  4. Visualize these roots extending further and further down, through soil, rock, and into the core of the Earth.
  5. As you inhale, imagine drawing up Earth energy through these roots, filling your body with stable, grounding energy.
  6. As you exhale, release any excess energy or tension back into the Earth.
  7. Continue this visualization for at least 5-10 breaths, or until you feel centered and calm.
  8. When ready, slowly open your eyes, keeping the sensation of being rooted and grounded.

When we ground, we’re essentially balancing and aligning our personal energy with the Earth’s energy. This process can help in several ways:

  • Centering: It brings your awareness to the present moment, calming scattered thoughts and emotions
  • Balancing: It helps regulate your energy, releasing excess and replenishing when depleted
  • Protection: A grounded state can act as a natural shield against unwanted energies
  • Focus: It improves concentration, which is crucial for successful spellcasting
  • Stress Relief: Regular grounding can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm

Grounding is particularly useful before performing spells. It can also help during times of stress. You might find it beneficial when you feel unfocused or overwhelmed. This simple technique can be a powerful tool in many situations. It’s also an excellent practice for empaths or those who are sensitive to energies. It can help maintain energetic boundaries.

With regular practice, you may notice several positive changes. Your overall well-being could improve. You might experience greater emotional stability. Many practitioners also report that grounding enhances the potency of their magical workings. Additionally, many practitioners find that grounding helps them feel more connected to nature. These benefits often develop gradually over time as you become more skilled at grounding.

We encourage you to use this technique daily to build your grounding skills. You can spend as much time grounding as you’d like. It’s versatile – if you can’t sit or lie down, you can do it standing up. Some find it helpful to physically touch the ground or a plant while grounding. Feel free to adapt the visualization to your preferences. You might imagine tree roots, cords of light, or streams of water.

Remember, grounding is a skill that improves with practice. Let us know in the comments how this technique works for you. Comments to help our community grow and learn together.

Simple Salt Bowl Cleansing

What you need:

  • A bowl (ceramic or glass works well)
  • Sea salt or kosher salt

What to do:

  1. Choose a central location in the space you want to cleanse.
  2. Fill the bowl about halfway with salt.
  3. Hold the bowl in your hands
  4. Set your intention. Visualize your space free from negative energy.
  5. Say aloud or in your mind: “Salt of the earth, absorb and clear, negative energies disappear.
  6. Place the bowl in the chosen spot.
  7. Leave the bowl in place.
  8. When you feel it’s time, dispose of the salt by burying it away from your home.
  9. Rinse the bowl thoroughly.
  10. Refill with fresh salt to continue the cleansing process if desired.

This simple technique uses salt’s natural purifying properties to absorb and neutralize negative energies in your space. The salt acts as a passive cleanser, working continuously over time.

The duration for leaving the salt depends on your space’s needs. If an area hasn’t been cleansed in a while, you may need to change the salt more quickly at first. As you continue the practice, you can leave the salt for longer periods.

You might notice a shift in the energy of your space – many report feeling lighter or more peaceful. The used salt may look darker or feel “heavier” when you dispose of it.

This is the most basic form of this technique. For enhanced effects or to target specific energies, you can add herbs or a few drops of essential oils to the salt. For example, lavender for calm, rosemary for protection, or lemon for clarity.

We recommend repeating this process whenever you feel your space needs refreshing. It’s particularly useful after arguments, illness, or times of stress in the home.

Remember, this is a subtle, gradual cleansing method. For immediate effects, you might combine it with other cleansing techniques like smudging or sound cleansing.

Let us know in the comments how this cleansing method works for you!

Simple Self-Love Mirror Spell

What you need:

  • A mirror (bathroom mirror or any mirror you regularly use)
  • A washable marker, lipstick, or just a steamy mirror

What to do:

  1. Stand in front of your mirror before starting your routine.
  2. Take three deep, calming breaths.
  3. Close your eyes and think about how you want to feel about yourself.
  4. Imagine those feelings clearly. Imagine that you already have what you want to gain from the spell.
  5. Form a clear, simple statement. For example: “I love and accept myself fully.”
  6. Look into your reflection and smile gently.
  7. Draw a heart around your reflection using your chosen method.
  8. Say aloud or in your mind: “Embraced by love, both in and out My worth and value I don’t doubt.
  9. Continue with your usual routine, keeping your reflection within the heart as you do so.
  10. When finished, decide whether to leave the heart or wipe it clean.

This simple ritual adds a touch of magick to your daily routine, creating a powerful reminder of self-love. The heart serves as a symbolic boundary, enclosing your reflection in an aura of positivity as you go about your regular activities.

Setting your intention is crucial in spellcasting. It’s like pointing your energy in a specific direction. Your intention guides the spell’s purpose. Be clear and positive when forming your intention. Avoid negative words. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. This focused energy makes your spell more effective.

For drawing the heart, you have several options. Using a washable marker or lipstick works well, but you can also take advantage of a steamy mirror after a hot shower – simply trace the heart with your finger. This steam method adds an ephemeral, magical quality to the spell.

While your reflection is framed by the heart, it’s an excellent time for positive affirmations if you choose. You might list things you love about yourself or say encouraging phrases like “I am worthy“, or “I am capable and strong“. This practice can significantly boost the spell’s effectiveness.

At the end of your routine, you have a choice:

  1. Leave the heart on the mirror: This acts as an ongoing reminder of self-love and can function like a sigil, continuously reinforcing the spell’s intent. However, be cautious about potential damage to the mirror if left too long.
  2. Wipe the heart clean: This provides a clear closing action for the spell, symbolizing the release of your intention into the world. It also prevents any mirror damage and can make the ritual feel fresh each time you perform it.

Both approaches have merit, so choose what feels right for you. You might even alternate between the two methods.

We recommend performing this spell in the morning, in the evening, or before an important event to boost your confidence. Remember, self-love is a practice, and this spell can help reinforce a positive self-image over time.

We’d love to hear how this spell works for you! Share your experiences in the comments to help our community grow and learn together.

Moon Water Creation

What you need:

  • A clean container (jar, bowl, or bottle)
  • Water
  • A space with moonlight access (outdoor area or window)

What to do:

  1. Fill your container with water.
  2. Place the open container where it will receive moonlight.
  3. This can be outside or on a windowsill.
  4. Leave overnight or for at least 2 hours during peak fullness.
  5. In the morning, seal or cover your container.
  6. Store in a cool, dark place until ready to use.

As the moon reaches its peak, its energies are at their strongest. Moon water captures the full moon’s energy. This energy charges the water, making it a potent magickal tool.

You don’t need to set a specific intention while creating moon water. Set intentions for the water’s use when you’re ready to work with it. This allows for flexibility in its application.

Moon water can be used in many magickal practices. Use it to cleanse magickal tools or spaces. Add it to bath water for ritual cleansing. Water plants with it to encourage growth. Include it in any spell work requiring water.

Store your moon water in a cool, dark place. Use it within a month for best results. When you’re ready to use it, focus your intention on your specific magickal purpose.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with moon water! Share in the comments how you’ve used it. Your insights help our community grow and learn together.

Wallet Blessing Spell

What you need:

  • Your wallet
  • A bay leaf
  • Optional: sage, moonlight, bells, items for cleansing

What to do:

  1. Remove everything from your wallet.
  2. Cleanse the wallet using your preferred method.
  3. Hold the bay leaf in your hands and set your intention.

    a. Close your eyes and imagine your ideal financial situation.
    b. Feel the emotions of financial security and abundance.
    c. Say aloud: “I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
  4. Put your items back in the wallet.
  5. Place the bay leaf inside your wallet.
  6. Hold the closed wallet and recite:
    Leaf of bay, bring wealth my way,
    Fill this wallet day by day.
    Abundance flow, prosperity grow,
    As I will, it shall be so.

This spell harnesses the power of intention to attract financial abundance. Cleansing your wallet creates a fresh energetic slate, ready to welcome new prosperity. There are many ways to cleanse objects magickally. Choose a method that resonates with you. The cleansing is important. It removes any lingering negative energies. It prepares your wallet to be a vessel for abundance.

Setting your intention is crucial. Imagine your desired financial situation as if it’s already true. Feel the associated emotions of security and abundance. The statement “I am grateful for the abundance in my life” reinforces this mindset. By feeling grateful for the abundance already in your life, you align yourself with the energy of prosperity. This practice of visualizing your goal as already achieved is a powerful technique in manifestation.

The bay leaf is a powerful magickal herb known for attracting success and prosperity. Placing it in your wallet infuses your finances with its potent energy. It actively draws abundance into your life. By holding the bay leaf while setting your intention, you’re directly imbuing it with your magickal purpose.

As you recite the incantation, visualize wealth and abundance flowing into your life. The words reinforce your intention and activate the spell. The rhyming pattern of the incantation helps to focus your mind and energy on your purpose.

Remember to replace the bay leaf periodically to keep the spell active and your intention fresh. Each time you interact with your wallet, let it remind you of the abundance you’re attracting. This ongoing awareness helps to reinforce the spell’s effects in your daily life.

We’d love to hear how this spell works for you! Share your experiences in the comments to help our community grow and learn together.

Simple Sound Cleansing

What you need:

  • Anything that makes sound(chimes, bells, sound bowls, instruments, your phone)

What to do:

  1. Sit or stand comfortable in the place you’d like to cleanse.
  2. Play your recording, ring your bell, play your instrument, etc.
  3. Envision the sound waves emanating from your instrument, pushing all of the negative energy out of the space.

Sound has been used to drive away negative energy for thousands of years. This is an excellent technique for clearing negative energy, especially for those who are unable to smudge(who needs smoke detectors anyway?).

While chimes, bells, and sound bowls are wonderful, you don’t need them. You can use anything that makes sound. Even a recording on your phone. The internet is filled with creative ways to cleanse with sound. I even found a kitchen witch who bangs a wooden spoon on a pot lid!

There are different opinions about the type of sound to use. Some like to use pleasant calming sounds. Some like annoying, grating sounds. What negative energy is going to want to stick around while you’re honking a bicycle horn? It also depends on where you are. That negative energy will come right back in the form of angry neighbors.

Magick doesn’t always have to be serious. If you use a sound that makes you laugh, then that’s a bonus.

If there’s a particular device that you’d like to use, but don’t own, find a recording of it! Sound bowls, guitar, harp, whatever it may be. Magick is more accessible than it’s ever been.

Sound cleansing isn’t just used for spaces. It can be used for objects too. Cleanse your tarot deck, your altar, anything you’d like.

We’d love to hear about your experiences cleansing with sound! Share what device you use in the comments. Especially if it’s fun and creative!

Full Moon Crystal Charging

What you need:

  • Your favorite crystals
  • A space with moonlight access (outdoor area or window)

What to do:

  1. Place your crystal where it will receive moonlight.
  2. This can be outside or on a windowsill.
  3. Leave overnight or for at least 2 hours during peak fullness.
  4. Allow your crystal to bathe in the moonlight and absorb all of that beautiful lunar energy.

As the moon reaches its peak, its energies are at their strongest. Your crystals can absorb that energy. It enhances their effects for everyday use or use in spellwork. The full moon also cleanses your crystals of any negative energy.

It works even when it’s cloudy. Just like you can still get sunburn on a cloudy day. The clouds can’t stop all of that lunar energy.

If you forget to bring them back inside, and they sit in the sun for a bit, don’t worry about it. Some practitioners even like to leave their crystals out for a full 24 hours. Some crystals will fade in sunlight though. So, just be mindful.

If you’d like to harness even more power, arrange your crystals into a grid.

We’d love to hear about your experiences cleansing and charging crystals in moonlight! Share your methods in the comments.

Sigil Stirring for Transformation

What you need:

  • A utensil(spoon, spatula, etc.)
  • Food or drink(pot, pan, bowl, mug, etc.)

What to do:

  1. Set your intention. Be as specific as you can. Visualize in great detail the transformation or breakthrough you want to make.
  2. Stir your food or drink in the shape of the rune Dagaz(ᛞ)
  3. Put your intention into your food or drink

This simple spell is a cross between kitchen magick and sigil magick. It’s a great way to fit some magick into your day-to-day.

Dagaz is the Norse rune meaning day. It represents breakthroughs, transformations, and enlightenment. You can use whatever sigil you’d like, but this is a great place to start. We have an article on making your own sigils.

It’s helpful if your sigil is a closed shape that will cover most of the container you’re stirring. That way you can stir continuously and move everything around. Unless your intention is to transform your food into burnt food.

Magick doesn’t always have to be performative. Most people can’t do big elaborate rituals every day. Little rituals like this one can inch you closer and closer to that breakthrough you want to make.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with kitchen magick! What spells do you like to do in the kitchen? Share in the comments below.

Simple Water Scrying

What you need:

  • A bowl (preferably dark-colored or with a dark bottom)
  • Water
  • A candle (optional)
  • A quiet, dimly lit space

What to do:

  1. Find a quiet, dimly lit space where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Fill your bowl with water.
  3. If using a candle, light it and place it safely near the bowl.
  4. Sit comfortably in front of the bowl.
  5. Take three deep, calming breaths to center yourself.
  6. Gaze softly at the surface of the water, allowing your vision to relax.
  7. As you continue to gaze, pay attention to any images, symbols, or impressions that come to you. These might appear as actual images in the water or as thoughts in your mind.
  8. When you feel ready, gently bring your attention back to your surroundings.
  9. Write down what you’ve seen or experienced.
  10. Thank the water for its insight. You can say something like, “Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me.”
  11. Dispose of the water respectfully, such as watering a plant or pouring it on the earth.

Water scrying is an ancient divination technique that has been used across many cultures for centuries. It’s a gentle and accessible form of divination that can help you tap into your intuition and gain clarity on questions or situations in your life.

Divination is a skill that takes practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see anything your first time, or even your first few times. Like any skill, it improves with patience and consistent practice. Also, keep in mind that the images you might see won’t be “high definition” or crystal clear. They may just be vague shapes, colors, or fleeting impressions. Trust that what you perceive, no matter how subtle, can hold meaning.

The bowl’s color is important because a darker surface creates better contrast, making it easier to see images or symbols. However, any bowl can work if that’s what you have available.

Dim lighting helps create an atmosphere conducive to scrying and reduces reflections on the water’s surface. The optional candle can help create a meditative mood. The subtle, flickering light may enhance your scrying experience.

As you gaze at the water, try to maintain a soft focus. Don’t strain your eyes or try too hard to see something. The images or impressions may be subtle – trust what comes to you, even if it seems unclear at first.

Remember, there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to interpret what you see. Trust your intuition and the meanings that feel right to you. With practice, you may find that certain symbols or images have personal meanings for you.

You can use this technique whenever you need guidance or want to connect with your intuition. It can be particularly powerful during the full moon or other times when you feel especially introspective.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with water scrying! Share what you’ve discovered in the comments below. Your insights help our community grow and learn together.

Confidence Boost Spray

What you need:

  • A small spray bottle (2-4 oz)
  • Distilled water or moon water
  • 2-3 essential oils of your choice:
    • Rosemary (mental clarity and confidence)
    • Basil (courage and success)
    • Cinnamon (personal power and success)
    • Sweet Orange (joy and confidence)
    • Lemon (clarity and positivity)
    • Peppermint (mental alertness and confidence)
    • Lavender (calmness and self-assurance)
  • Optional: A small clear quartz crystal that fits in your bottle

What to do:

  1. Cleanse your spray bottle and workspace using your preferred method.
  2. Fill your spray bottle about 3/4 full with distilled water or moon water.
  3. Add 6-9 drops of essential oils total. Adjust according to your preference and bottle size. For example:
    • 3 drops Rosemary
    • 3 drops Sweet Orange
    • 3 drops Lavender
  4. If using, add the clear quartz crystal to the bottle.
  5. Close the bottle and shake gently to mix.
  6. Hold the bottle in both hands and focus on your intention. Visualize yourself feeling confident, capable, and empowered. You might say something like: “Confidence rise, doubts fade away, Strength and courage bloom today. This mist empowers, clear and bright, My inner power shines with might.”
  7. Repeat this visualization and affirmation for a few moments, really feeling the energy of confidence filling the bottle.
  8. Your Confidence Boost Spray is now ready to use!

To use, shake gently and spray around yourself or in your space whenever you need a boost of confidence. Remember to recharge the spray with your intention regularly.

Remember, the most crucial ingredient in any spell is your intention. While the essential oils and moon water can enhance the magickal properties, it’s your focused will and belief that truly empower this spray.

We wanted to give you a list of oils to choose from so that you can use what you have or what’s available nearby. Experiment with different oil combinations to find what resonates best with you. Trust your intuition – if a certain scent makes you feel particularly confident and empowered, that’s the perfect blend for you.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with this Confidence Boost Spray! Share your favorite oil combinations or how you’ve used the spray in the comments below. Your insights help our community grow and learn together.

Rose of Jericho Hire Spell

Rose Of Jericho is also known as the Resurrection Plant. Once placed in water, a dry, dead plant will bloom with the most beautiful green leaves. A vibrant plant with a light, earthy aroma. This plant is known for its mystical and magickal qualities. It can be used to get hired for jobs, erase negative influences, and bring peace, harmony, and abundance. As it grows, so will your prosperity. Treat the Rose of Jericho respectfully, as the plant will bring great success and protection.

  • Use this spell when applying for your dream job;
  • Use this spell in conjunction with your wallet blessing spell.

What you need:

  • Filled out a job application (digital or hard copy)
  • Rose of Jericho Plant (find on Amazon for $6 or your favorite witchy store)
  • Water
  • Flat pan (Such as a pie plate. The water should only touch the lower root portion of the plant)

Optional: Candles, your favorite tumbled crystals, any herbs that may feel right for this moment, moonlight, or white or black salt for purification

What to do:

  1. Cleanse your space.
  2. Cast your circle.
  3. Set your pie plate in the circle and fill with water about a quarter inch, or the thickness of your pinkie finger.
  4. Set intentions for what you want the resurrection plant to do with this job application. Do you want to get hired? Do you want to find connections and network? Study the qualifications, read over the company you’re trying to get hired at, and manifest a phone call for a phone interview.
  5. Place the dry Rose of Jericho in the water with both hands, letting your hands lightly touch the water to transfer your power from the job applications into the water. Reminders: The water should only touch the lower root portion of the plant.
  6. Chant at least three times:

    “Rose of life, now bloom and grow,
    Open doors and let fortune flow.
    With every petal, my path is clear,
    New beginnings, now draw near.
    Success and work shall come to me,
    By your strength, so mote it be.

  7. Let the Rose sit in the water for seven days or until the water dries and the Rose with it. You will get your phone call for that job between days one and seven!

The Rose of Jericho can be dried and re-hydrated many times! It can survive for years without water. This plant is a symbol of many practices and religions. It is associated with Hoodoo, Christianity, and folk magick. The powerful transformation of the once-dried ball into a lush green plant symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and prosperity.

You can place White and/or Green candles around the plate on the first morning while you set your intentions. You can also place tumbled crystals in the water along with herbs like bay leaves, rosemary, and others. Follow your instincts. For instance, you might add a symbol of your profession to the water. The spell is now yours. Make it personal to your needs.

Always remember the rule of three while you cast.

Love and light.

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To explore more spellwork:
Beginner’s Guide to Tea Spells
Jar Spells Made Simple
A Brief Introduction to Knot Magick
A Complete Guide to Spiritual Baths
Sigils for Newcomers
See All Articles

3 thoughts on “Simple Spells for Beginners”

  1. I am very grate to have this wonderful “Simple Spells”. Thank you very much. Love and Blessings.

  2. Thank you very much for this articles, they are really helpful.
    Keep up the great work!

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