Wicca Academy

The Colors of Samhain

Black Like Main Color of Samhain

October 28, 2024
Estimated Read Time: 5 Minutes

The word Samhain alone invokes many images. From carved Jack-o’-Lanterns to witches dancing in circles and opening the crossroads.

You might not notice it, but color is an important part of Samhain. A spectrum of colors is synonymous with the holiday.

We see it in nature with apples, squash, pumpkins, and more.

These colors bring us into a state of readiness. They open us up to hear the sounds of our ancestors. So let’s get into how these colors came etched into our psyche as Samhain colors and how we can use them to celebrate.


The Colors of Samhain

As the days grow shorter and less light touches the Earth, all that there was Darkness. The Earth is treacherous and bare of fruits and grain. Black is the color of death, but also of hope. It is a reminder that life will continue despite the darkness. A sign of the resilience of the human spirit.

Traditionally black can be used to repel negativity or absorb it. You could also use black to draw in positive energy. It’s a color of death but also rebirth.

One way that you can use black during Samhain season is to wear a piece of black clothing. Wear it with the intention of being a shield from negativity and unwanted eyes.

You can also light a black candle during this time giving thanks for all your accomplishments. It can let the Spirit know that you are ready for a new beginning.


Autumn Orange Like Main Color of Samhain

Jack O’Lanterns, pumpkin pie, and autumn leaves falling on the ground. During Samhain the color orange lets us know that it’s that time of year when the leaves fall. The time when you can get a pumpkin spice latte just around the corner.

Orange is the color to pick up your spirits when you are down and just not feeling yourself. It helps us get through those moments where we may not have hope for the future. It ignites creativity, joy, and success.

An interesting way to cast a spell with orange is knot work. It’s simple, all you need is an orange ribbon and the intention that you want to manifest.

Hold the ribbon in your hands and speak the intention as you tie a knot. The knot will hold the energy of your desires to be used at a later date when the need arises. It’s basically having a backup spell for emergencies.

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Innocent White Like Main Color of Samhain

As the darker months progress, nights become colder and snow falls on the Earth. White covers the land as far as the eye can see.

Snow brings a sense of stillness and peace. It is a reminder of the power of nature and its ability to create and restore balance.

White is the color of protection, truth, and New Beginnings. It is the color of purity, innocence, balance, and harmony.

A great ritual to use white with would be a cleansing bath. On a day that you know you will not be disturbed fill your bath water with warm water. Add milk, White rose petals, and rosemary. Then when you’re ready, soak in the bath imagining a white light surrounding you and cleansing you of all your negativity.


Power Red Like Main Color of Samhain

In times of old, when the seasons changed, and the last harvest was upon us, farmers would harvest the last of their animals. They would allow the blood of the creature to land on the ground as an offering to the spirits and the Gods.

Red is the color of passion, power, and sex. Because of this, you can cast spells using red that can bring you quick results. Because let’s face it none of us like to wait too long to see your dreams manifest. But there’s always a word of caution with red. Red is so powerful and driven that it can backfire and sometimes cause a lot of chaos. So use with caution if you can resist.

Here’s a simple and quick way to manifest your heart’s desire. Write down on a piece of paper with red ink a desire that you wish to manifest quickly.

Once you envision what you want and write it down purposefully with energy, fold the paper towards you and keep it with you for 7 days. Then, take the paper and light it using your altar candle. Make sure you have a heat proof container like a cauldron nearby for safety.

This spell lets the energy of what you want to manifest out into the universe to bring you your desires.


Earth Brown Like Main Color of Samhain

As the Earth hibernates we know that she is not dead or gone but just asleep. The seeds of the next harvest are protected from the cold of winter while in the ground.

Brown is the color of grounding, centering one’s consciousness, and nurturing.  This color is associated with stability and security. It symbolizes warmth and comfort and is a reminder to stay connected to the earth.

Brown is the color of the Mother Goddess. During Samhain the Goddess is in her Crone state. The Crone denotes a state of hibernation and true introspection. Best to connect to the Mother Goddess by burying an offering to her on Earth. Asking for her favor in the upcoming year.

Final Thoughts

The colors of Samhain are a beautiful spectrum that helps us connect to our ancestors, to ourselves, and to a higher power.

Keep in mind, this list isn’t exhaustive. You can use purple, silver, and many other colors to celebrate Samhain. Follow your intuition, and celebrate the way that feels best for you.

To learn even more about this celebration, check out our comprehensive article on Samhain.

Check out our other articles:
Wiccan Holidays – Samhain
Samhain Recipes and Foods
Samhain Backgrounds
A Brief Introduction to Knot Magick
Complete Guide to Spiritual Baths
See All Articles

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