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Monthly Horoscopes – Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Sign Constellation

Just like other earth signs, Virgo is focused on practicality, materialism, and stability. This sign thrives in tasks that require organization, gladly taking responsibility whenever possible and resolving problems with precision and careful analysis. That doesn’t make them cold and robotic, though — Virgo is rather kind and loyal, especially to those who earn their trust.

Still, it’s easy for Virgos to get overwhelmed by work to such an extent that they forget to simply relax and have fun. They are extreme perfectionists, worrying about every single detail and harshly criticizing everyone who can’t meet their standards, including themselves. That, coupled with their general shyness and difficulties expressing emotions, can lead to tension with other signs.

April 2024
What you own, owe and share come into sharper focus courtesy of a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 8th. This could coincide with paying off a debt or receiving money owed to you. On the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus inspire new perspectives leading to unexpected opportunities. A Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates communication. Your interactions with others, whether in person, by phone, electronic or any other means, are about to change and improve.

Want to learn more about astrology, dreams, meditation, tarot, and much more? Become a student of Wicca Academy for free today to get started. Your journey awaits!

March 2024
'Why don't you try doing it this way?' We know it's always easier for someone observing us to offer input or criticism. But when the universe thinks we need to approach something in a fresh or more outside-the-box way, it's not as polite. It creates situations that push us strongly in new directions, and that's something you can expect this month. A brilliant new and improved way of doing something awaits. But without a cosmic push, you may not have discovered it.

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