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Monthly Horoscopes – Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Sign Constellation

There is hardly a zodiac sign more stable and reliable than Taurus. Thanks to its element, earth, Taurus stays well-grounded and practical no matter the circumstances, willing to endure whatever it takes until they see the fruits of their labor. People born under this sign also enjoy physical pleasures and turn to the material world when seeking satisfaction.

Taurus’s stability can, however, turn into stubbornness and unwillingness to change. They are undoubtedly dependable and committed, but they must also learn to compromise and show flexibility. Otherwise, they’re likely to run into problems in their personal and professional relationships, as well as hinder their own growth.

April 2024
April is a month of deep introspection - and hidden potential. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 8th encourages you to retreat into your inner world, pondering life's mysteries. But don't stay hidden for too long. On the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus in your sign ignite sparks of change, possibly a new identity. On the 23rd, the Full Moon illuminates your closest relationships, urging you to embrace emotional depth. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection!

Want to learn more about astrology, dreams, meditation, tarot, and much more? Become a student of Wicca Academy for free today to get started. Your journey awaits!

March 2024
You'll likely be reminded of how complex a puzzling situation is in the coming weeks. But it probably excites you as much as it confuses you. Nonetheless, the positive qualities of what you're weighing up or trying to make sense of need your full attention this month. You have more options to explore, and as you uncover these, the decisions you wrestle with as March commences will be much lighter and more inspiring by the end of the month.

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