Wicca Academy

Monthly Horoscopes – Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Constellation

With a passion characteristic of fire signs, Sagittarius wanders the world searching for knowledge, meaning, and experiences. There is nothing they won’t try and no opportunity they won’t accept, no matter how outlandish. Thanks to their boundless enthusiasm and fantastic people skills, Sagittariuses naturally draw others to them, just as they are drawn to others.

Unfortunately, Sagittarius’s passion for freedom makes them impatient, unreliable, and unstable. A Sagittarius may make a promise one day but then completely forget about it the next day, focusing instead on something else. In addition, this sign is honest to a fault — so much so that their honesty may occasionally be socially unacceptable.

April 2024
A New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 8th urges you to assess honestly what and who lights your fire or boosts your mojo. It's time to embrace more leisure, pleasure and creativity in your world. On the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus shake up your routines, bringing unexpected changes to your daily habits. A Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates secrets and what occurs behind the scenes. If you need to distance yourself from someone or others, put them in the picture about why.

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March 2024
Many people hate discovering others talking about them. They fear gossip might be circulating or whatever's discussed is negative or less than complimentary. But who are the most talked-about people? Successful people! They also receive the most criticism. This month, tongues might wag regarding something you achieve or draw attention to yourself with. So, don't be concerned if you're the topic of others' conversations. In fact, be more concerned if you're not!

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